FAQ section

Show usually asked questions with answers and pair with image

I'm coming from the old shop page. Can I log in with my credentials here?

Unfortunately - no. The longer answer - we tried to do so and made some efforts with an agency, but in the end it would've cost us over 10.000€ to migrate all the old products, orders and customer data. Since we don't have that amount of money to invest in such a matter, we decided to abandon this idea. Thus, if you were an old customer, we kindly ask you to sign up once again.

Do you ship to my country?

We can ship everything (even the biggest lifesize statues!) EU-wide, please contact us, should questions arise.

For non-EU countries: if DHL can ship your package, we will ship it to you without any issues.

I've paid the deposit, when is the balance payment due?

We send the balance payment invoices after (or shortly before) the statue arrives in our German warehouse, which is currently in Nürnberg, Bavaria.

What is the current state of my order?

We understand that this hobby requires a lot of patience and that it is crucial to be well informed since you pay a lot of money. This is why we're working on individual email notifications and on displaying the same information in your profile. Until then we kindly ask you to simply check the state of your item (simply in the shop again). The state of the statue is in 90% of the cases the state of your order.

You can also check our container blog posts on the main page and in the blog section.

Contact form

Please read carefully:
We are not Amazon with thousands of support staff members who reply within hours. We're merely 2 people in support who work there part time. There are spikes in support inquiries, there are illnesses, there are exams, children issues... the list can go on. Sometimes we receive over 100 tickets per day (!). Please be patient and don't misuse the support function. It should be only for cruicial issues. For short inquiries that can be answered in 1-2 sentences or 30-60 seconds, please use the chat function in the bottom right corner.

We try our very best to answer within 1 week, but sometimes it can take 2 weeks or even a month. Remember, we're just regular humans, with additional regular full-time jobs or university and/or kids, who try to make their best for you. Don't write follow up tickets if you haven't gotten a reply within few days, threatening us or forwarding the issues to your lawyers etc. It won't accelerate your original problem solution at all.

Thank you in advance for your understanding! We're here to to make the best of this amazing hobby and not to fight and quarrel.

If you are about to send a ticket with a cancellation request, please read this page again (https://handsomecake.com/blogs/important-read-before-ordering/please-read-carefully-before-ordering) and check if the cancellation is really 200% nesessary. It makes a huge impact on us, because we don't have other money income than orders from customers. If we receive 1 new order and 5 order cancellations, over and over again we will simply go bancrupt and won't be able to offer you any service ever again.